Introduction to Manage Better: The Fundamentals


This course is for anyone working in organizations or for themselves who want to gain the little-known knowledge and techniques used by highly effective managers.

The skills gained from the course can enable you to:

  • Have greater influence at work
  • Secure a new managerial position
  • Avoid what is otherwise a high failure rate of new first-time managers
  • Release your potential and others around you
  • Create a motivating environment for you and others to thrive
  • Leverage the power of your expectations

Surprisingly, 40-70% of new managers fail in their first managerial role.
Learn the 1st of 5 successful techniques based on research and science that differentiate successful from unsuccessful managers.

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Preview & Course Overview
About Your Instructor
  • Professor, Scholar, & Author with over 20 years professional experience leading teams
  • Professor of Management at Seattle University
  • Graduate from University of Maryland, College Park, PhD in Organizational Behavior
  • Her research on leadership, teamwork, and management has been cited over 4000 times.

Start Lesson #1 Below

Then consider taking the full course “Manage Better: The Fundamentals” and learn all 5 successful managerial techniques.

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Lesson #1: Fair Process

LesSON # 1

By the end of this video, you will:

  • Understand What a Fair Process Is
  • Realize Why & How Fair Processes Are So Influential
  • Learn How to Demonstrate Your Fair Process to Others

Now test your knowledge with this short quiz…

#1) True of False? A fair process means that employees get what they want.

#2) Which of the following elements are part of a fair process?

#3) True or False? A fair process is not possible unless the decision outcome is favorable to the persons affected by the decision.

#4) When organizations have layoffs, many managers and leaders believe that employees care more about the ___________.

#5) What humans really want and need is to __________.

#6) A common reason that managers and leaders don't demonstrate a fair process, even when they engaged in one, is that _________.

Recommended Reading

These articles from additional scholars will support what you’ve learned in lesson #1 and provide more insight into Fair Process.

More About Your Instructor

  • Dr. Jen Marrone is a Professor & Scholar with over 20 years professional experience leading teams & a Professor of Management at Seattle University.
  • Author of Leading with Humility, a research-based and practical guide for managers seeking out new, inclusive, and effective ways to lead
  • Dr. Marrone is a seasoned instructor who regularly teaches courses on management to college students and executives
  • Her research focuses on the factors that differentiate effective & ineffective work teams and managers.
  • Her research on leadership, teamwork, and management has been cited over 4000 times.
  • Her passion is to share research findings that are counter-intuitive and over-looked but transform how we work, lead, and live for the better.
  • Dr. Marrone is a CPA. (Certified Public Account)
  • Graduate from Villanova University, BS in Accountancy
  • Graduate from University of Maryland, College Park, PhD in Organizational Behavior

Become the Manager That Thrives At Work


Continue Your Education and Learn All 5 of the Successful Managerial Techniques Used by Only the Most Knowledgeable of Managers & Leaders.

Enroll now in the Full Course: Manage Better The Fundamentals